Teresa Vazquez

Teresa Vazquez is an artist, writer, educator and Dream Midwife. Her dream work largely informs her art work, which in turn fuels her dreaming practice. She has an MFA in Studio Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and a BA in Creative Writing from Oberlin College. She currently teaches K-12 visual art at the Fort Wayne Virtual Academy, and is the former Community Programs Manager and Painting & Drawing Instructor at the Indianapolis Art Center.
This body of work, entitled DOGWHISTLES, is a series of monograms composed of the letters that make up racialized words in past and contemporary US English language. While I am a colorist at heart, these works are starkly presented in black and white to enhance their graphic qualities and echo the blackboard and chalk of classroom-based socialization and trauma. These DOGWHISTLES are presented as a way to morph those ‘dangerous’ words into their formal characteristics and thereby crack them open to expanded meanings.