Shaunte Lewis

Shaunt’e Lewis is a nationally recognized, artist, illustrator and designer. She was born and raised in Springfield Massachusetts and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana in 2011 where she currently works and resides. Aside from creating, Shaunt’e is a mom of four amazing children and wife to a hometown hero. Her passion for art and entrepreneurship and her unmistakable style has led her to work with some amazing companies such as West Elm, Makers Mark, NCAA, Indy 500, Vuse, Nordstrom, Meijer, Jiffy Lube, PBS, Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, SGR and more. Her work has also been featured in The New York Times, Complex Magazine and several local publications. Most recently, Lewis was awarded the Nickel Plate Arts “2022 Artist of the Year” Award.

Size: 24×36
Medium: Fiber Art
Pice: $4500